Thursday, August 28, 2008

Your real age is 80!

I feel like it now. I went to the Urologist, and he gave me an antibiotic for an infection, and Detrol LA for an overactive bladder. I thought all women who had kids, always had that little drip when you sneeze or have to go to the bathroom, but only little comes out. Apparently not, its just me. So now I am on Detrol LA, and I feel like an old women. Its not that I can't control my bladder, its that my bladder has spasms, and makes me feel like I have to pee, even when I don't. Is this the kind of stuff that starts happening when you start to approach 30? UGH!

Oh and see my last post on taking my son in with me to give a urine sample.
Update on that: He unlocked the door, and some guy walked in on me while I was pants down and bent over. Man, it really has been a bad day!


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