So ever since the movie Bucket List came out in 2007 (which I have yet to see), everyone seems to have one.
I never really gave mine much thought, I have done sooo many things already. So here is my Reverse Bucket list (my list of things I have done) and my Bucket List:
***Click on the ones Highlighted for Pics (all my own pics)***
REVERSE BUCKET LIST (Things I have already done):
- Been to Hawaii (Maui & Oahu)
- Swam with Dolphins
- Got Married
- Had Kids
- Lived in another state
- Bought a brand new car
- Kissed in the rain & snow :-)
- Climbed Chimney Rock
- Saw a shooting star & meteor
- Learned another language (I know alot of Spanish, some Korean and some Polish)
- Been snorkeling in the Pacific Ocean
- Snorkeled in the Gulf of Mexico
- Been to Mexico
- Been to Jamaica
- Climbed a waterfall (
- Been Camping (even though I ended up in the back of my dad's truck)..haha
- Saw a movie alone
- Ate dinner alone in a restaurant (not something fun, just relaxing)
- Had a massage in Jamaica
- Got a Black Belt in Karate
- Went Surfing in Hawaii (long board)
- Watched a Surgery (sorry, I love medical stuff)
- Met someone famous
- Held a real heart in my hands (again with the medical stuff)
- Learned to play the Piano
- Went to a Nude Beach (hey...I went ok, didn't say I was nude)
- Went Kayaking
- Adopted a Pet
- Rode an Elephant
- Been to the Calhoun Mansion (where the Notebook was filmed Parts)
- Been to the Plantation where The Notebook was filmed. (Magnolia Plantation in SC)
- Rode a Horse through the mountains in Jamaica
- Been in a cave
- Been in a coal mine
- Skinny Dipped
- Stayed in a Cabin in the Appalachian Mtns.
- Been to a Drag Race (just watched)....followed in my dad's footsteps, cept he raced.
- Visited the Mayan Ruins
- Got a car for my 16th Birthday
- (And I am sure I have more, just can't think right now)
- Leave a Lock on the Love Lock Bridge in Paris
- Ride a Gondola in Venice Italy
- Grow my hair long, it was a few years ago, and I chopped it. So going to do this again, and keep it.
- Watch the ball drop in NYC on New Year's Eve
- Learn to be happy and laugh everyday.
- Shoot a Gun
- Pet a Koala in Australia
- Spend the night in a Castle
- Eat in Italy (LOVE Italian Food)
- Vaca in Seychelles
- See the Eiffle Tower
- Walk where Jesus Carried the cross
- Go Skydiving (once I face that fear) with the one I love.
- Walk on the Great Wall of China
- Sex on the Beach
- Kiss the Blarney Stone
- Buy my own Beach House
- Become a Registered Nurse, and someday manage a floor (hospital) or become a Nurse Practitioner.
- Pet a Tiger
- Run in a Race
- Save Someone's Life
- Go to a Meditation Retreat
- Go Skiing
- Always wanted a White Mercedes Convertble like this (CLICK HERE) or a Lime Green Saab (CLICK HERE), I know...they are old, and people think they are ugly, but I always wanted one. And I like having a car that stands out on the rode, hence my BRIGHT Yellow Mustang back in the day.
Share with me...your bucket list!

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