Sunday, September 26, 2010

Are you Hooked on Houses?

Are you Hooked on Houses? Give yourself a point for each of the following statements that you agree with:
  • If there’s a “For Sale” sign in my neighbor’s yard, I can tell you how much they’re asking for their house–and whether it’s worth it. X - Yup...I can even tell you how much my neighbor's paid for their house and how much its worth.
  • I have a habit of checking the real estate listings online, even though I’m not planning to move. X - All the time, I love to see what I am up against, if I were to sell someday.
  • I think the best time to take a walk is at dusk–after people have started turning on their lights, but before they have closed their blinds! X - LOVE doing this. I love to see what the people are doing. I wonder what their lives are like.
  • I’ve been known to visit Open Houses and model homes, just for fun. X - ME, ME, ME...all the time. I even walk through the houses being built in my neighborhood daily.
  • I will stop to take a photo of a beautiful house if I have a camera with me. X - I take my camera with me on walks, to do such things.
  • When I visit someone’s home, I immediately start looking around to see what changes they’ve made since the last time I was there. X - I like to see other people's decorating style for ideas.
  • I get upset when I see a beautiful old home that looks neglected and unloved, and I fantasize about “rescuing” it.
  • I would go to a neighbor’s party just to get a look inside their house. X - Especially if its a BIG house.
  • I have considered becoming a real estate agent, or have been told I should be one. X - I have considered it, after I sold my home in PA.
  • I’ve been known to check out the local house listings when I’m on vacation to see how much it would cost to live there. X - Yes, especially in a resort area or the beach.
  • If I drive through a pretty neighborhood, I slow to a crawl so I don’t miss anything. X - Yes, especially the million dollar home neighborhoods. I do this on our slow days. Go for our "Sunday Drive".
  • I’m always redecorating my house. It’s never “finished.” X - Always, now I redecorate for each season.
  • There are certain movies I have watched repeatedly because of the houses featured in them. X - Love seeing the beautiful homes on TV. I am always looking in the background of a scene. :-)

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