Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back to Monday...again.

Well in about 10 mins, it will officially be Monday. And here we are again. We all get so excited on Fridays, that its finally the weekend, then BAM! Its Monday again, in the blink of an eye. So what do I have planned this week...hhmmmm... let's see:

Yoga (Mon & Wed).
Mall (Free VS Underwear coupon, Yankee Candle Coupon, and need to get my jeans hemmed at cleaners).
Go to The Factory (Which is across the street from my development) to look into signing Ryan up for Indoor Soccer.
Wake Forest Yoga on Tuesday for the Parent Child (ages 2-4) Yoga.

I think that covers it all. I am sure something else will pop up, it always does. But for now, thats about it.



Saturday, February 27, 2010

Let Go....


I think its time for me to spread my wings and let go. Let go of all the fear I hold up inside. 
Everytime I do anything in life, I stay on the safe side. I was always taught to be safe than sorry. But what about all that life holds for me, that I will never get to experience cause I stay on the safe side. I think there comes a point where you have to let go and just live. I have been to far too many funerals to tell you that life is short, too short. And what is the purpose for life if your not gonna live it to the fullest.

And I am not gonna go letting my kid go run out on the a busy street or drive 100mph down the road. Some stuff is just common sense. You don't wanna risk your life. I am talking about little things, like how I act around others, I always put on aires. I always try to be what other people want me to be. Or even something small as decorating my house, I never go with BOLD...I stay with Neutrals. So what..paint a wall a bright red. Its redo-able. If things in life can be changed, then I should go for it. If people don't like me for who I am, then I choose new friends. Life has to start with me. And what makes me happy, cause if I am not, then my world isn't. And I am dealing with that right now. So here is to a new me..the real me...the happy me...the process shall begin. :-)

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I love this little house in this picture. Have you ever seen the movie, The Holiday?
Well I love the house that Cameron Diaz goes to. Its so quaint and cute. And its in the middle of nowhere. I just wish I had a little hideout house like that, that I could go to, to get away. With a huge backyard that is a meadow, with some sheep, and deer. So Serene!!! Where would you like to live? What kind of house?

I mean don't get me wrong, a big beach house on the beach, or a cabin on the lake, or a penthouse in NYC would work too. :-)


It's Snowing!!!!

Yup...we have some flurries. It's not laying, but always fun to see.
So here I am again with another sore throat. I am beginning to think its the heater. The vent is right above our bed. And Tom has also woken up with one over the past week or so. And by the end of the day its gone. So I know its not an infection or anything. I take my dose of Garlic and Echinacea and that usually helps. Maybe I will add some Motrin for the pain. I am just so sick of winter. Yeah the snow is pretty and we had our fun this year with it. But I am so ready for shorts, tshirts, flip flops, going outside in the sun. Last weekend we hit 68* and was wonderful. I sat in my rocking chair out front and soaked up the sun, it was soooo relaxing. What a tease that was.

I think NC is getting better with the snow. After as much as we have gotten this year. Cause by now...every school would be closed for just flurried, but nope...I saw school buses. Thats a good thing, cause I have many errands to run today. I am going to take library books back, take the movie we rented back, and then hitting Ross (my favorite store)...I love the prices and need to get some stuff. Oh and go to the town hall to sign Ryan up for some classes at the community center, if they have any spots. Well thats it for now.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mommy World

I feel like I am stuck in Mommy World. There is me, Leighann. And then there is me, Mommy. And me mommy is the one who drives the minivan, watches Disney, and plays the mom role. Then there is me, Leighann, who misses her Mustang, watches MTV, blares Rap music on my way to Yoga, and wishes she could break free. I feel like I can't be myself ever. I am mommy 24/7, I never get to be the real me. I know its a choice I made when I became a mom, but I feel like I am walking on eggshells. Especially when I meet other moms. All we talk about is playdates and kids. God forbid, I mention something from my other life.
I had a talk with my mom last night, and she said I need to get out more. I have tried to find a job, but I am only available Monday - Friday 6pm-10pm. And some Sundays. I don't want to work weekends. I want to do a few days a week for a few hours. Maybe I should volunteer somewhere. Would rather work though for the money. But also in this recession, its not easy to do. So once again I am stuck.
I though the move to NC would help, but I find myself back in the same situation. I just hope that I can get over this bump in the road, and find a balance somewhere.

There...thats my rant for the day.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Back to Reality

Today is Monday, aggggggaaaaiiiinn! This weekend was WONDERFUL! I wish it could stay like that forever. My husband was home (which he always is on the weekends), but I wish he was home with us everyday. And it hit a high of 68*. It was so nice.
So here are some pictures of the park on Sunday!

(BRB- Technically difficulties)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sunny Day, sweeping the clouds away..

Ahhh its a beautiful sunny day here in NC. It's still a chilly 52*, but we're suppose to hit 63* tomorrow. AMEN! HALLELUJAH!! Great weather can make any crappy life better. Yeah I have had that kinda week, but its all over soon. And look who I found perched above the house next door to me:

Have a Great Weekend!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


WHERE is the warranty guy (who is suppose to be here between 10-11am to fix our carpet)?

WHEN will he be here (I have to leave at 12:30pm for a dentist appt.)?

WHY me??

Oh..FYI, its 11:54am.


Monday, February 15, 2010


If your not following my should. Click on Follow on the Right hand side.


Fun in Durham

We went to the Life and Science Museum yesterday in Durham. And it was sooo nice. Weather was around 50*, so not too bad. And the sun was out, it was almost perfect. :-)
Here are some pics:


Friday, February 12, 2010

We got a....

SLED!!! You would not believe how hard it is to find a sled in NC. If they are calling for snow, these things will be sold out. And yes, another round is coming tonight. I should have figured when Walmart was packed last night. Ok..yeah, Walmart is always packed, but it was worse than usual last night. And seriously, why in the hell do you need a broom at 8pm?? OMG...I could go on and on about those people. Hmmm...think I may have just thought of a book to write. HAHA!


For Valentine's Day...

I thought I would list:
10 Things I Love About Tom!!

1. I love how cute he looks in his PJ pants.
2. He is a great Father!
3. He always makes sure I get everything I want.
4. I love how we cuddle at night.
5. I love how smart he is.
6. I love how he thinks I am beautiful and smart.
7. I love how he loves our pets, even though he won't admit, he loves them all.
8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE his laugh. Wish he would laugh more. Not like a small laugh, like an all out hysterical laugh.
9. I love just being with him, and making memories with him.
10. I love how when we do something for the 1st time, like ice skate, and he is amazingly good at it.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

North Carolina is.....

Snow FREE!!!

I love this pic, I took today. Its around the corner from my house. And it was beautiful today. Sun shining!! And only 47*. Ok...well its still a bit cold. But I am hoping that this sun is the start of some nicer weather.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Rain Rain, Go away!!!

Well the snow has mostly melted and now we have just steady rain all day. YUCK!
I really hate winter time. From January to April. Worst time of year. Can't ever go outside cause its either: too cold, raining or snowing. And nothing ever goes on, on the weekends. Everyone just sits inside their house, either sleeping or watching TV. No one has any money, we're all broke from Christmas. So...what are your plans for the weekend???
I am seriously considering a job again, unfortunately, not as a CNA. I just can't work with their schedule. So maybe something fun at the mall. I need something to do. Like school (yes, I am going back to Clayton College to work on my MASTERS degree in Natural Health), Yoga classes, and raising a 3 year old, isn't enough. HAHA! I am the type of person that always has to do something. I like going out, and I LOVE Drama. Ok..maybe not drama in my own life per say. But when something big happens and its all over the news. Or when Christmas is approaching and everyone is out and goes crazy. LOVE IT! I hate boring slow days. Maybe I should be careful for what I wish for. HAHA!